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/* Códigos JavaScript aqui colocados serão carregados por todos aqueles que acessarem alguma página deste wiki */ // Este pedaço bugou o stylesheet // ~ Alphard /** var tocImgHid = stylepath + '/common/images/Arr_r.png'; var tocImgSho = stylepath + '/common/images/Arr_d.png'; function tocTree() { mw.util.addCSS('a.toctogHidden img, a.toctogShown img, a.toctogNull img {width:12px;height:12px;} #toc li a {padding-right:3px;} a.toctogNull img {visibility:hidden;}'); var toc = document.getElementById('toc'); if(!toc) return var li = toc.getElementsByTagName('li'); for(var i=0;i<li.length;i++) { var cul = li[i].getElementsByTagName('ul'); var a = document.createElement('a'); if(cul.length == 0) { a.setAttribute('class','toctogNull'); } else { a.setAttribute('class','toctogShown'); a.setAttribute('id','toctog-a-' + i ); a.setAttribute('href','javascript:tocTreeToggle("' + i + '");'); } var img = document.createElement('img'); img.setAttribute('src',tocImgHid); img.setAttribute('id','toctog-i-' + i ); a.appendChild(img); li[i].insertBefore(a,li[i].firstChild); if(cul.length != 0) tocTreeToggle(i) } } if(wgNamespaceNumber != -1 && wgArticleId != 0) $(tocTree) function tocTreeToggle(id) { var a = document.getElementById('toctog-a-' + id); var img = document.getElementById('toctog-i-' + id); var cul = a.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('ul'); var disp; if(a.getAttribute('class') == 'toctogShown') { disp = 'none'; a.setAttribute('class','toctogHidden'); img.setAttribute('src',tocImgHid); } else { disp = 'block'; a.setAttribute('class','toctogShown'); img.setAttribute('src',tocImgSho); } for(var j=0;j<cul.length;j++) { if(cul[j].parentNode == a.parentNode) cul[j].style.display = disp } } */ /** * Collapsible tables ******************* * * Description: Allows tables to be collapsed, showing only the header. See * [[Wikipedia:NavFrame]]. * Maintainers: [[User:R. Koot]] */ var autoCollapse = 2; var collapseCaption = 'hide'; var expandCaption = 'show'; window.collapseTable = function ( tableIndex ) { var Button = document.getElementById( 'collapseButton' + tableIndex ); var Table = document.getElementById( 'collapsibleTable' + tableIndex ); if ( !Table || !Button ) { return false; } var Rows = Table.rows; var i; if ( === collapseCaption ) { for ( i = 1; i < Rows.length; i++ ) { Rows[i].style.display = 'none'; } = expandCaption; } else { for ( i = 1; i < Rows.length; i++ ) { Rows[i].style.display = Rows[0].style.display; } = collapseCaption; } }; function createCollapseButtons() { var tableIndex = 0; var NavigationBoxes = {}; var Tables = document.getElementsByTagName( 'table' ); var i; function handleButtonLink( index, e ) { window.collapseTable( index ); e.preventDefault(); } for ( i = 0; i < Tables.length; i++ ) { if ( $( Tables[i] ).hasClass( 'collapsible' ) ) { /* only add button and increment count if there is a header row to work with */ var HeaderRow = Tables[i].getElementsByTagName( 'tr' )[0]; if ( !HeaderRow ) continue; var Header = HeaderRow.getElementsByTagName( 'th' )[0]; if ( !Header ) continue; NavigationBoxes[ tableIndex ] = Tables[i]; Tables[i].setAttribute( 'id', 'collapsibleTable' + tableIndex ); var Button = document.createElement( 'span' ); var ButtonLink = document.createElement( 'a' ); var ButtonText = document.createTextNode( collapseCaption ); Button.className = 'collapseButton'; /* Styles are declared in Common.css */ =; ButtonLink.setAttribute( 'id', 'collapseButton' + tableIndex ); ButtonLink.setAttribute( 'href', '#' ); $( ButtonLink ).on( 'click', $.proxy( handleButtonLink, ButtonLink, tableIndex ) ); ButtonLink.appendChild( ButtonText ); Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '[' ) ); Button.appendChild( ButtonLink ); Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ']' ) ); Header.insertBefore( Button, Header.firstChild ); tableIndex++; } } for ( i = 0; i < tableIndex; i++ ) { if ( $( NavigationBoxes[i] ).hasClass( 'collapsed' ) || ( tableIndex >= autoCollapse && $( NavigationBoxes[i] ).hasClass( 'autocollapse' ) ) ) { window.collapseTable( i ); } else if ( $( NavigationBoxes[i] ).hasClass ( 'innercollapse' ) ) { var element = NavigationBoxes[i]; while ((element = element.parentNode)) { if ( $( element ).hasClass( 'outercollapse' ) ) { window.collapseTable ( i ); break; } } } } } $( createCollapseButtons ); /* Test if an element has a certain class ************* * * Description: Uses regular expressions and caching for better performance. * Maintainers: [[User:Mike Dillon]], [[User:R. Koot]], [[User:SG]] */ var hasClass = (function() { var reCache = {}; return function( element, className ) { return ( reCache[className] ? reCache[className] : ( reCache[className] = new RegExp( "(?:\\s|^)" + className + "(?:\\s|$)" ) ) ).test( element.className ); }; })(); /* Hideable notes ******************** * This is based off of code from Wikipedia's Common.js ( */ function showNotes( spanIndex ) { var Button = document.getElementById( "showNoteLink" + spanIndex ); var Span = document.getElementById( "showNotes" + spanIndex ); if (!Span || !Button) { return false; } if ( == "[show]") { = "inline"; = " [hide]"; } else { = "none"; = "[show]"; } } function createShowNotesLinks() { var spanIndex = 0; var Spans = document.getElementsByTagName( "span" ); var CurrentSpan = new Object(); for ( var i = 0; i < Spans.length; i++ ) { if ( hasClass( Spans[i], "hiddenNotes" ) ) { CurrentSpan = Spans[i]; CurrentSpan.setAttribute( "id", "showNotes" + spanIndex ); var Button = document.createElement( "span" ); var ButtonLink = document.createElement( "a" ); var ButtonText = document.createTextNode( "[show]" ); ButtonLink.setAttribute( "id", "showNoteLink" + spanIndex ); ButtonLink.setAttribute( "href", "javascript:" ); addHandler( ButtonLink, "click", new Function( "evt", "showNotes(" + spanIndex + " ); return killEvt( evt );") ); ButtonLink.appendChild( ButtonText ); Button.appendChild(document.createTextNode( " " )); Button.appendChild(ButtonLink); CurrentSpan.parentNode.insertBefore( Button, CurrentSpan.nextSibling );"none"; spanIndex++; } } } $( createShowNotesLinks ); /* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */ /* Test if an element has a certain class ************** * Note: this is straight out of Wikipedia's Common.js ( */ var hasClass = (function () { var reCache = {}; return function (element, className) { return (reCache[className] ? reCache[className] : (reCache[className] = new RegExp("(?:\\s|^)" + className + "(?:\\s|$)"))).test(element.className); }; })(); // This function is used to automatically copy the Navi information to the user clipboard. // The data parameters are received from the Template:NaviLink. function copyNaviLink() { if ($('.naviText').length > 0) { $('.naviText').each(function () { var naviLink = $(this); var copiedMessage =; var map = naviLink.attr('data-map'); var x = naviLink.attr('data-x'); var y = naviLink.attr('data-y');{ map: map, x: x, y: y }, function () { // Context is used to keep the right 'this' reference, it's needed for setTimeOut to work properly. var context = $(this); var copiedText = ["/navi "+map+" "+x+"/"+y].filter(Boolean).join(" "); // Temporary input used to select the text and copy, it's removed after the copy is done. var inputTemp = document.createElement("input"); inputTemp.setAttribute("value", copiedText); document.body.appendChild(inputTemp);; document.execCommand("copy"); inputTemp.remove(); // Switches the text to indicate that the navi was copied and timesout after 2 seconds getting back to normal. context.css("display", "none");"display", "inline-block"); setTimeout(function () { context.css("display", "inline-block");"display", "none"); }, 2000); } ); }); } }; $(document).ready(function() { //novaMarketPrices(); copyNaviLink(); }) // Credits to iRO Wiki for the table of contents var tocImgHid = ''; var tocImgSho = ''; function tocTree() { mw.util.addCSS('a.toctogHidden img, a.toctogShown img, a.toctogNull img {width:12px;height:12px;} #toc li a {padding-right:3px;} a.toctogNull img {visibility:hidden;}'); var toc = document.getElementById('toc'); if(!toc) return var li = toc.getElementsByTagName('li'); for(var i=0;i<li.length;i++) { var cul = li[i].getElementsByTagName('ul'); var a = document.createElement('a'); if(cul.length == 0) { a.setAttribute('class','toctogNull'); } else { a.setAttribute('class','toctogShown'); a.setAttribute('id','toctog-a-' + i ); a.setAttribute('href','javascript:tocTreeToggle("' + i + '");'); } var img = document.createElement('img'); img.setAttribute('src',tocImgHid); img.setAttribute('id','toctog-i-' + i ); a.appendChild(img); li[i].insertBefore(a,li[i].firstChild); if(cul.length != 0) tocTreeToggle(i) } } if(wgNamespaceNumber != -1 && wgArticleId != 0) $(tocTree) function tocTreeToggle(id) { var a = document.getElementById('toctog-a-' + id); var img = document.getElementById('toctog-i-' + id); var cul = a.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('ul'); var disp; if(a.getAttribute('class') == 'toctogShown') { disp = 'none'; a.setAttribute('class','toctogHidden'); img.setAttribute('src',tocImgHid); } else { disp = 'block'; a.setAttribute('class','toctogShown'); img.setAttribute('src',tocImgSho); } for(var j=0;j<cul.length;j++) { if(cul[j].parentNode == a.parentNode) cul[j].style.display = disp } }