Abismo Dimensional

De RavenRO

Revisão de 16h37min de 5 de setembro de 2024 por Capone2 (discussão | contribs)

Target Item Slot Order Reset Process

600054.pngDimensions Dragon Sword [2] 610064.pngDimensions Shadow Katar [2]

610065.pngDimensions Shadow Chakram [2]

620037.pngDimensions Mechanical Axe [2] 630041.pngDimensions Dragon Lance [2] 640049.pngDimensions Arc Staff [2]

]] 640050.pngDimensions Arc Road [2] 650046.pngDimensions Moonlight Wind Demon Shuriken [2]

650047.pngDimensions Moonlight Wheel Repair Sword [2] 700092.pngDimensions 700093.pngDimensions Wind Cross Bow [2]

700094.pngDimensions Wind Bow [2] 810040.pngDimensions Night Rifle [2] 840032.pngDimensions Night Launcher [2]

500092.pngDimensions Imperial Sword [2] 500093.pngDimensions Biological Sword [2] 500094.pngDimensions Hyper Sword [2]

510139.pngDimensions 530054.pngDimensions Imperial Spear [2] 540079.pngDimensions Elemental Magic Book [2]

540080.pngDimensions Elemental Spellbook [2] 540081.pngDimensions Saint Bible [2] 540082.pngDimensions Emperor Moonbook [2]

540083.pngDimensions Emperor Book of the Sun [2] 550130.pngDimensions St. Road [2] 550131.pngDimensions Soul Stick [2]

550132.pngDimensions Soul Road [2] 550133.pngDimensions Hyper Road [2] 550134.pngDimensions Spirit Foxtail [2]

550135.pngDimensions Spirit Foxtail Model [2] 560060.pngDimensions Judgment Knuckle [2] 560061.pngDimensions Judgment Crow [2]

570062.pngDimensions Musical Violin [2] 580061.pngDimensions Musical Ribbon [2] 590079.pngDimensions Mechanical Mace [2]

590080.pngDimensions Biological Hall [2] 570063.pngDimensions Musical Harp [2] 580062.pngDimensions Musical Rope [2]

4th -> 3rd

100% Success Rate

Costs: 5m zeny

50x 25731.pngZelunium

50x 25729.pngShadowdecon

100x 1000322.pngEtel Dust

4th Slot Perfect Enchantment

Fee: 1m zeny + 50x 1001555.pngAbyss Magic Rune + 10x 1001556.pngTime-Space Magic Rune

Item Name Description Item Name Description

311928.pngBiosphere Gem (Dragon Fishing)

Increases physical and magical damage against dragon and fish race monsters by 30%.

311931.pngBiosphere Gem (Exor-scissor)

Increases physical and magical damage against demon and plant race monsters by 30%.

311934.pngBiosphere Gem (Vibra-rupt)

Increases physical and magical damage against formless and angel race monsters by 30%.

311937.pngBiosphere Gem (Execu-sect)

Increases physical and magical damage against demihuman and insect race monsters by 30%.

311940.pngBiosphere Gem (Hunting Divine)

Increases physical and magical damage against brute and undead race monsters by 30%.

- -

3rd Slot Perfect Enchantment

Fee: 3m zeny + 75x 1001555.pngAbyss Magic Rune + 15x 1001556.pngTime-Space Magic Rune

Item Name Description

311864.pngVarmundt's Crystal (Flame) Lv3

Increases physical and magical damage against fire and shadow property enemies by 10.
[Grade D] or higher, increases physical and magical damage against fire and shadow property enemies by an additional 4.
[Grade C] or higher, increases physical and magical damage against fire and shadow property enemies by an additional 4.
[Grade B] or higher, increases physical and magical damage against fire and shadow property enemies by an additional 6.
[Grade A] or higher, increases physical and magical damage against fire and shadow property enemies by an additional 6.

311869.pngVarmundt's Crystal (Ice) Lv3

Increases physical and magical damage against water and holy property enemies by 10%.
[Grade D] or higher, increases physical and magical damage against water and holy property enemies by an additional 4%.
[Grade C] or higher, increases physical and magical damage against water and holy property enemies by an additional 4%.
[Grade B] or higher, increases physical and magical damage against water and holy property enemies by an additional 6%.
[Grade A] or higher, increases physical and magical damage against water and holy property enemies by an additional 6%.

311874.pngVarmundt's Crystal (Plain) Lv3

Increases physical and magical damage against wind and earth property enemies by 10%.
[Grade D] or higher, increases physical and magical damage against wind and earth property enemies by an additional 4%.
[Grade C] or higher, increases physical and magical damage against wind and earth property enemies by an additional 4%.
[Grade B] or higher, increases physical and magical damage against wind and earth property enemies by an additional 6%.
[Grade A] or higher, increases physical and magical damage against wind and earth property enemies by an additional 6%.

311879.pngVarmundt's Crystal (Death) Lv3

Increases physical and magical damage against ghost and undead property enemies by 10%.
[Grade D] or higher, increases physical and magical damage against ghost and undead property enemies by an additional 4%.
[Grade C] or higher, increases physical and magical damage against ghost and undead property enemies by an additional 4%.
[Grade B] or higher, increases physical and magical damage against ghost and undead property enemies by an additional 6%.
[Grade A] or higher, increases physical and magical damage against ghost and undead property enemies by an additional 6%.

312800.pngBarmund's Crystal (Poison) Lv3

Increases physical and magical damage against neutral and poison property enemies by 10%.
If grade D or higher, increases physical and magical damage against neutral and poison property enemies by additional 4%.
If grade C or higher, increases physical and magical damage against neutral and poison property enemies by additional 4%.
If grade B or higher, increases physical and magical damage against neutral and poison property enemies by additional 6%.
If grade A or higher, increases physical and magical damage against neutral and poison property enemies by additional 6%.